# # This file contains the Block Rotation Mappings Ruins might need # <- lines starting with this symbol are considered comments and disregarded by the parser # empty lines are allowed. # # To enable the Rotation of new or custom Blocks in Minecraft, you need to put Mappings # for possible metadata occurences and the metadata after they have been rotated in a # direction in here. # # # Mappings are to follow this standard: # First, the block ID must be given by the GameData.blockRegistry key # # # If a multitude of Blocks share the same rotation logic, you can provide them all at once, seperated by semicoli. # see stairs below # # Any mappings below such a line are considered part of that BlockID until another BlockID is introduced. # # A mapping is a Direction EAST, SOUTH or WEST, followed by the unrotated metadata, followed by the resulting metadata. # These are seperated by '-' # # EAST-8-1 # # That line means: if the Ruins Mod needs to rotate a Vine EAST, and the unrotated vine has metadata # 8, the new metadata should be 1. # # You need to map any and all possible Rotations, with three Directions that aren't NORTH (= no rotation) and a # Block that has 4 possible metadata values (such as Vines) that means you need to have 12 mappings. # # Other Blocks may have a lot more than that. # # Below, some mappings. Do not remove those! In the future, new mappings will be added in this file! # # # mc vanilla Stair Blocks # normal NESW: 0 2 1 3 # inverted NESW: 4 6 5 7 BlockID=oak_stairs;stone_stairs;brick_stairs;stone_brick_stairs;nether_brick_stairs;sandstone_stairs;spruce_stairs;birch_stairs;jungle_stairs;quartz_stairs;dark_oak_stairs;acacia_stairs EAST-0-2 EAST-1-3 EAST-2-1 EAST-3-0 EAST-4-6 EAST-5-7 EAST-6-5 EAST-7-4 SOUTH-0-1 SOUTH-1-0 SOUTH-2-3 SOUTH-3-2 SOUTH-4-5 SOUTH-5-4 SOUTH-6-7 SOUTH-7-6 WEST-0-3 WEST-1-2 WEST-2-0 WEST-3-1 WEST-4-7 WEST-5-6 WEST-6-4 WEST-7-5 # pistons, ladders, wall signs, furnaces, chests, dispensers, droppers, hoppers BlockID=sticky_piston;piston;ladder;wall_sign;lit_furnace;furnace;chest;dispenser;dropper;hopper;trapped_chest # DUNESW: 0 1 2 5 3 4 # DUNESW: 8 9 10 13 11 12 (Extended Pistons, is lower value + 8) EAST-2-5 EAST-5-3 EAST-3-4 EAST-4-2 EAST-10-13 EAST-13-11 EAST-11-12 EAST-12-10 SOUTH-2-3 SOUTH-5-4 SOUTH-3-2 SOUTH-4-5 SOUTH-10-11 SOUTH-13-12 SOUTH-11-10 SOUTH-12-13 WEST-4-3 WEST-5-2 WEST-2-4 WEST-3-5 WEST-12-11 WEST-13-10 WEST-10-12 WEST-11-13 # Mushroom blocks, courtesy of Arrrg # They can point in all 8 directions and have center, inside, and stem parts. # inside Nw N Ne W center E Sw S Se stem: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BlockID=brown_mushroom_block;red_mushroom_block EAST-0-0 EAST-1-3 EAST-2-6 EAST-3-9 EAST-4-2 EAST-5-5 EAST-6-8 EAST-7-1 EAST-8-4 EAST-9-7 EAST-10-10 SOUTH-0-0 SOUTH-1-9 SOUTH-2-8 SOUTH-3-7 SOUTH-4-6 SOUTH-5-5 SOUTH-6-4 SOUTH-7-3 SOUTH-8-2 SOUTH-9-1 SOUTH-10-10 WEST-0-0 WEST-1-7 WEST-2-4 WEST-3-1 WEST-4-8 WEST-5-5 WEST-6-2 WEST-7-9 WEST-8-6 WEST-9-3 WEST-10-10 # Skulls, atleast wall mounted ones. floor mounted ones are constant 1 # rotation for those is done via tileentity, codebased by Ruins # N E S W = 2 4 3 5 BlockID=skull EAST-2-4 EAST-4-3 EAST-3-5 EAST-5-2 SOUTH-2-3 SOUTH-4-5 SOUTH-3-2 SOUTH-5-4 WEST-2-5 WEST-4-2 WEST-3-4 WEST-5-3 # Quartz Pillars # 0,1 alldirectional, 2 vertical, 3 north-south, 4 east-west BlockID=quartz_block EAST-3-4 EAST-4-3 WEST-3-4 WEST-4-3 # Hay bale/block (using log logic); added 2014-10-23 by Jordan_Greywolf # 4 = Hay_Block: E/W # 8 = Hay_Block: N/S BlockID=hay_block EAST-4-8 EAST-8-4 WEST-4-8 WEST-8-4 # Pixelmon mod, provided by shadowsyllvet http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1282339-1-7-10-ruins-structure-spawning-system?comment=1992 BlockID=pixelmon:PC Block;pixelmon:PokeHealer;pixelmon:Fossil Machine Block;pixelmon:Moltres Shrine;pixelmon:Zapdos Shrine;pixelmon:Articuno Shrine #NESW 0321 EAST-0-3 EAST-1-0 EAST-2-1 EAST-3-2 WEST-0-1 WEST-1-2 WEST-2-3 WEST-3-0 SOUTH-0-2 SOUTH-1-3 SOUTH-2-0 SOUTH-3-1 BlockID=pixelmon:Trading Machine;pixelmon:CloningMachine #BaseMain NESW 0321 #BaseAtt NESW 9-11-10-12 #TopAll NESW 8-8-8-8 EAST-0-3 EAST-1-0 EAST-2-1 EAST-3-2 EAST-9-11 EAST-11-10 EAST-10-12 EAST-12-9 WEST-0-1 WEST-1-2 WEST-2-3 WEST-3-0 WEST-9-12 WEST-12-10 WEST-10-11 WEST-11-9 SOUTH-0-2 SOUTH-1-3 SOUTH-2-0 SOUTH-3-1 SOUTH-9-10 SOUTH-10-9 SOUTH-11-12 SOUTH-12-11 # Impulse / Classic Command Block # N E S W = 4 2 5 3 BlockID=command_block EAST-2-5 EAST-4-2 EAST-3-4 EAST-5-3 SOUTH-2-3 SOUTH-4-5 SOUTH-3-2 SOUTH-5-4 WEST-2-4 WEST-4-3 WEST-3-5 WEST-5-2 # fencegates and doors in 1.8 # 1230,5674 BlockID=fence_gate;spruce_fence_gate;birch_fence_gate;jungle_fence_gate;dark_oak_fence_gate;acacia_fence_gate;wooden_door;spruce_door;birch_door;jungle_door;dark_oak_door;acacia_door EAST-0-1 EAST-1-2 EAST-2-3 EAST-3-0 EAST-4-5 EAST-5-6 EAST-6-7 EAST-7-4 SOUTH-0-2 SOUTH-1-3 SOUTH-2-0 SOUTH-3-1 SOUTH-4-6 SOUTH-5-7 SOUTH-6-4 SOUTH-7-5 WEST-0-3 WEST-1-0 WEST-2-1 WEST-3-2 WEST-4-7 WEST-5-4 WEST-6-5 WEST-7-6