//Set icon item setIcon() //Set title String setTitle("Liquid health!") //Set description String setDescription("Brew a healing potion") //Add a parent advancement. The syntax is "modid:folder/path/to/the/advancement/then/filename" addParent("triumph:example/root") //Set the position setPos(126,41) //Hide the connection lines, so I can have a pretty shape hideLines() //Adds criteria named "brewedPotion" with the trigger type "minecraft:brewed_potion". This function returns the criteria trigger as an object criteria = addCriteria("brewedPotion", "minecraft:brewed_potion") //Sets the required potion type for the criteria. This is the potion type that needs to be brewed. criteria.setPotionType("minecraft:healing") //By not setting anything about requirements here, all criteria are automatically required