These are the functions which can be called on an LocationData object. setFeature: Arguments: String Usage: feature id Notes: Sets the feature id. Used for things like structures. setBiome: Arguments: Non_Null_Biome_ID Usage: biome id Notes: Sets the biome id. Can be an int or String. setWorldType: Arguments: String Usage: WorldType id Notes: Sets the WorldType id. setDimensionType: Arguments: String Usage: dimension type Notes: Sets the dimension type. Vanilla options are "overworld", "the_nether", "the_end" setDimID: Arguments: int Usage: dimension id Notes: Sets the dimension id. setZMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max Z coordinate. setYMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max Y coordinates. setZMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min Z coordinate. setXMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max X coordinates. setXMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max X coordinate. setYMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max Y coordinate. setXMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min X coordinate. setZMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max Z coordinates. setYMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min Y coordinate. setGeneratorOptions: Arguments: String Usage: generator string Notes: Sets the generator options string.