These are the functions which can be called on a DamageData object. getEntityData: Notes: Returns the EntityData object so functions can be called on it. setBlocked: Arguments: boolean Usage: true/false Notes: Sets if the damage was blocked. setDealtMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max damage dealt. setTakenMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min damage taken. setDealtMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min damage dealt. setDealtMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max damage dealt. setTakenMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max damage taken. setTakenMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max damage taken. getDamageSourceData: Notes: Returns the DamageSourceData object so functions can be called on it.