These are the functions which can be called on a minecraft:inventory_changed criteria trigger. addItem: Arguments: ItemBlockData Usage: item data Notes: Adds a required item. setEmptyMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max values for empty inventory slots. setEmptyMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max value for empty inventory slots. setFullMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min value for full inventory slots. setOccupiedMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min value for occupied inventory slots. setFullMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max values for full inventory slots. setOccupiedMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max value for occupied inventory slots. setFullMax: Arguments: float Usage: max Notes: Sets the max value for full inventory slots. setEmptyMin: Arguments: float Usage: min Notes: Sets the min value for empty inventory slots. setOccupiedMinMax: Arguments: float, float Usage: min, max Notes: Sets the min and max values for occupied inventory slots. setCount: Arguments: int Usage: count Notes: Sets the number of times this criteria must be completed before it counts towards advancement progress. getPlayerData: Notes: Gets the PlayerData for the criteria. Can set many things to test against the player themselves.